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Welcome to our website!

The Electronic Manager Corporation has been serving healthcare professionals in Chicago and the Midwest for over two decades. We Specialize in Software that is easy-to-use, affordable and is of the highest quality.

Over the years, healthcare professionals of all specialties from Solo Practices to larger Clinics to Billing Services have come to rely upon the Electronic Manager for custom tailored solutions to help cut costs, improve efficiency and streamline their business. Our products are backed by solid support: by phone, e-mail and on-site.

As a company, we were chosen a "Gold Medalist" vendor for electronic claims to Medicare Part B / Blue Cross Blue Shield and as one of "Top Five" vendors for commercial electronic claims in the state.

The "Electronic Manager Suite" of products and services includes:

  • Medical Billing & Receivable Manager - an indispensable tool for improving your bottom line
  • Appointment Manager - integrated patient scheduling system
  • Document Management Solution - scan and attach any document to patient record in as few as 3-clicks. 
  • One-Stop Computer Solutions including Hardware, Software, System configuration
  • Single and Multi-User Systems - installation, maintenance & on-going support/service
  • Single/Multiple Office configuration, Remote Setup

Please explore our Products and Services section for more information on how we can help you. And feel free to call us at 708-862-2835 .

Why The Electronic Manager Corporation?
Here's what a couple of our customers had to say about our company:

  • "...It is a great pleasure to recommend The Electronic Manager. Through their expertise and sophisticated programs, our office has become measurably more efficient. It is with highest regards that we recommend this complete, yet simple, time saving system..."
  • "...The Electronic Manager has by far surpassed the other computer systems that our office has investigated. Our office has been very pleased with the training. The program is very easy to use and my secretary learned it quickly. What used to take hours now only takes minutes."

For more customer comments, please visit our testimonials section.

Visit the contact us page  contact us.

Marketing Opportunities

Would you like to become a reseller of our products and services? You can earn $$$ working part or full time with professionals in an expanding field. Our products and services are at present available primarily in the Chicago and surrounding areas in Illinois. The Electronic Manager Corporation is about to embark on an expansion program and is looking for qualified resellers (independent consultants, dealers, healthcare professionals or professionals in other fields serving healthcare). To qualify, you must have knowledge of the healthcare industry and/or computer systems. If you already have contact with professionals in healthcare, it will be easy for you to get started.

Company sponsored training programs are available to help you learn more about our products/services. If interested, please call 708-862-2835. Thank You.